After being childless for ten years, a woman gives Birth to a Baby aby
The pregnancy of Lucy was the talk of the town. It's not that she was the first woman to get pregnant—the Bible mentions Eve, who gave birth to Cain and Abel—but rather that she had waited a decade for it. Her prayers, as well as those of her loved ones, friends, and well-wishers, had been granted at long last. It was the best news her mother had heard in ten years, especially. The people around her husband were also happy for a while before things got worse again. In Lucy's 40 years of life, it was the tenth longest. It was 10 years of pity, torture and torment. She was the only woman who had never had a child in the family to which she was married. Within the first year of their marriage, all three of the wives of her husband's brothers were able to conceive and bear a child. She frequently asked God for what valid reason what is happening would be unique, particularly when different spouses, amidst a minor misconception, ridiculed her for her childlessness. Lucy's m...